About Pemati Plumbing Services LLC

When navigating the intricate network of pipes that keep a metropolis like New York functioning, it's vital to have a reliable plumber at your beck and call. Pemati Plumbing Services LLC has established itself as a noteworthy player in this competitive industry, offering a plethora of services that cater to the diverse needs of the urban dweller.

One standout feature of Pemati Plumbing Services is their 24-hour availability which is a godsend for emergencies that refuse to adhere to the nine-to-five schedule. This round-the-clock readiness means that whether you're dealing with a burst pipe at midnight or a clogged drain on a Sunday afternoon, you have a professional ready to tackle the crisis without delay.

Pemati's commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their maintenance plans – a proactive strategy designed to keep plumbing woes at bay. This service is a testament to their understanding that prevention is better than cure, particularly when it comes to plumbing systems where a small oversight can lead to a costly disaster.

Moreover, the company's website emphasizes their range of services from drain cleaning to installations and repairs, indicating a breadth of expertise. Their ability to handle various plumbing tasks means you're likely dealing with seasoned professionals who won't shy away from complex issues or unique setups in your space.

The company's favorable reviews on Thumbtack, with clients praising their responsiveness, professionalism, and problem-solving abilities, further reinforce their reputation. While reviews should be taken with a grain of salt as they can be subjective, the consistency in customer feedback points to a reliable service standard.

However, it's not just about fixing leaks and unclogging drains. In today's environmentally conscious world, Pemati's approach aligns well with sustainable practices. Their maintenance advice, like cautioning against harsh chemicals and advocating for regular inspections, demonstrates an awareness of the long-term impact of plumbing on both the home and the environment.

In the crowded landscape of New York's plumbing services, Pemati Plumbing Services LLC seems to carve out a niche for itself by not just providing solutions but also by building relationships with clients and the community through dependable service and preventive care. While no company is without its flaws, and there's always room for improvement, Pemati appears to be a solid choice for those in the NY and NJ area seeking a trustworthy plumbing partner.

Products and Services

Pemati Plumbing Services LLC offers a comprehensive suite of plumbing solutions, including round-the-clock emergency services, maintenance plans to prevent future issues, and expert installation and repairs for a wide array of plumbing fixtures, ensuring quality and reliable customer care for both immediate and long-term plumbing needs.

Drain Cleaning

24/7 service for quality drain maintenance and emergency drain cleaning, addressing clogs in various drains like floor, storm, sewer, kitchen sinks, bathrooms, bathtubs, and toilets.

Installation & Repairs

Expert installation and repair services for plumbing fixtures including showers, sinks, toilets, garbage disposals, water filters, washers/dryers, sump pumps, radiators, water heaters, and dishwashers.

Emergency Services

Immediate assistance for plumbing emergencies like burst pipes, frozen pipes, leaking water heaters, clogged drains, sewer system backups, and lack of hot or cold water.

Maintenance Plans

Yearly maintenance plans offering inspections, water heater and boiler maintenance, fixture checks, pipe inspections, water pressure tests, and drain assessments to prevent costly damages and improve plumbing performance.


  • 24/7 availability in NY and NJ ensures immediate assistance for any plumbing issue, day or night.

  • Offers a mix of plumbing services including drain cleaning, installations, and maintenance plans.

  • Solid reputation with numerous positive reviews on Thumbtack, reflecting high customer satisfaction.


  • Around-the-clock service may lead to higher prices for emergency calls.

Getting Started

With Pemati Plumbing Services LLC, after signing up, you'll be dealing with specialists in drain cleaning and a team that is available 24/7. They offer quick responses and honest pricing. To get started, you can book emergency service through their website or give them a call. If Pemati Plumbing Services LLC doesn't seem right for you, you can always review the remaining companies in our rankings.